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Showing posts from August, 2015

6 whole months!!!

It's been six whole months since I've journeyed to the land of natural nails. I didn't know what to expect and how to get what I wanted. I took every piece of advice I could find on the Internet, I scoured every picture offering "HOW TO" on it on Pinterest and followed every nail blog to find the secret to the success I so desperately wanted. Now six months later down this path I have accomplished the very goal I have set out to do. Oddly enough it was a turning point in my journey that I started having success. But before I go into all that here is where my nails are today Now for those of you have been following my blog I want to bring to your attention my ring finger. There is a crest looking dark spot on the nail. That is the indention that the false nails made when I took them off six months ago.  See the same crest near my cuticles. This is a picture of my nails when I first started my journey. They were weak, thin and could bend backwards w...