Last night I had a very wet dream.
Yes, I will tell the tale. From about 7 last night I felt an odd feeling in my room. I can hardly find words to explain the sensation that it evoked. It almost felt like I was not alone in the room but in reality I really WASN'T alone in the room, my husband was with me. Anywho...I was working on my book when my husband drifted off to sleep next to me. I was getting wrapped up in Facebook and other social media when I heard heavy breathing. Now those three or four loyal followers probably know where this is going. For those of you who don't read the blog very will just have to find out.
Moving on. I checked to see if the heavy breathing was coming from my husband but he was surprisingly quiet. I heard the breathing move away from me into my closet. So I decided to get up and follow the sound. Now this makes me sound like I am pretty fearless, I'm not. Stupidly curious, yes. Fearless, no. It was with much reluctance that I did get up to follow the noise.
The last thing I want to see is a scene out of the movie Insidious where the red demon just appears out of nowhere and scares the crap of you. But whatever the case may be, stupidity or curiosity I followed. I turned on the light in the closet and walked in slowly. I could still hear the breathing and felt the cold of the small closet close around. To be sceptical and fair, it has been very windy lately and that could have added to the drop in temperature but because of the weather, I could hear the howling of the wind from outside which did add to the ambiance of fear. I waited for awhile but the breathing stopped. I went back to bed and started working again. It was about twenty minutes later I heard noises in my closet. I shrugged it off because my cat likes to go in my closet and play in my shoes, then I realized the cat was at the foot of the bed next to my husband. The noise came again. I sat there very still so that I could hear the noise again. It sounded like someone was putting my shoes back on the shelf. I could hear the scraping of the bottom of my shoes as they were pulled off the shelving unit. I got up, scaring the cat he hissed at me, and made my way to the closet again. I had left the light on and slowly walked in the room. I looked at all my shoes and saw they were all there. Nothing had been disturbed but me.
I went back to bed feeling spooked. I decided to throw in the towel and go to sleep. I turned off the computer and got myself a glass of water. As I got in bed, turned off my alarm and fluffed my pillow getting ready for sleep, I realized that my glass of water was missing. I got up checking all of the places I had been searching for my water. The glass or the water was no where to be found. I was in awe. So I got another glass of water in a very different looking glass. I went back upstairs, got into bed and drank some water. I put the glass of water on my nightstand and went to sleep.
By now I was a little creeped out so it did take me some time to get to sleep but I finally did. It was about three am that I was woken up with the feeling of being wet. I panicked thinking I urinated on myself and quickly realized that I wasn't wet on my private parts it was on my stomach. I was completely wet. WTF! The bed and all the sheets and me were all wet. Of course at 3 in the morning I was not in the mood to change all the sheets. I got some towels and put them on the wet spots and changed. As I laid back down and as I got ready to go back to sleep, I saw my missing glass of water! It was sitting right next to the new glass I had put on the nightstand.
Now you tell me, what would you have done?
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