First of all I want to apologize to my five readers for being absent but life is crazy. I have been taking my real estate classes and have been busy studying. It has taken up my whole life but with this Memorial Day weekend I have a little more time. Today I spent the day with my son on his last day of school; and like most last day of school activities there were a lot of parents. Some were there to be supportive in the silly activities that were set up (like myself), other were parents there purely to get as many pictures as possible to make the best scrapbook and others, still, were there to just talk to other parents. As we moved from activity to activity I would catch bits and pieces of the conversation at hand. None of it was very interesting but something did catch my ears...the moms started talking about what they do and don't let their children (this is third grade) watch on television and movies. The debate of PG vs. PG-13 started, well I wouldn't really call...
My personal place to vent.