I was driving down a crowded road when I noticed every one's break lights were coming on. It happened so fast that I thought it was an accident. As I merged from the middle lane to the left, I drove past a blue Volkswagen bug with it's emergency lights on and no other cars. I thought the vehicle had stalled. Then I see the driver help push another car to the side of the road from the far right lane. This moron had stopped dead in the middle of traffic, left their car and helped someone else get to the side of the road effectively cutting off two lanes instead of one. WHAT?!
Why didn't they just pull over to the side of the road and help that person off the far right lane? Nope. The thought process must have gone like this..."Oh gee a person in need of help. Let me stop right here in the middle of the busy street and help."
I understand the want to help but do it right not hold up traffic. This person meant well but went about it in such a stupid way. What happened to common sense? I guess 'they' are right when 'they' say common sense isn't so common.
So the next time you feel the need to so something nice or helpful for someone, please do it right. That way you aren't looked at like a dumb ass but a good Samaritan.
Until next time...
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