I've decided that 2012 will be the year of self-improvement. But there is no time like the present to start so that is what I indeed to do. I hope everyone will enjoy the journey I will be posting on my blog and please feel free to add any comments or suggestions you feel will help me on my quest.
To start I will have to go through each month and focus on what that month and its holiday or season is and what it means to me. Twelve months will mean twelve different things I will work on for self-improvement. I ran across this book The Wiccan Year by Judy Ann Nock and will be working off of her research of the seasons and their meanings.
The month of December is Season Two of the Wiccan Wheel and according to the book is the Winter Solstice. It is also when most Christians celebrate Christmas for the birth of Christ. I guess I have seen one to many Discovery channel episodes on Christmas and when Jesus was really born. It is widely known that the Christan's picked December 25th to coincide with the Pagan Winter Solstice or Yule to make it easier to convert Pagans to Christianity. Now I am not an expert on this subject by any means and don't wish to preach I only go through this touch of historical fact to get to what the author says the Season means.
According to the book, Yule is the time when "...You are aligning yourself with the energies of the planet to bring about a much needed balance to the world." In my case I'm trying to bring balance to my world. So for Yule I will be balancing myself in the way of finances and what I feel is important to me. All too often I have over spent on Christmas gifts and whatnot's leaving myself tight on cash and credit card crazy in January. I, personally, feel that Christmas has lost a lot of meaning for me. Too much commercialism and spending of money and not enough focusing on family and the balance of giving too much or too little.
I have decided that I will create a budget and stick to it! Also I have, from here on out, vowed not to set foot in a mall. Too much distraction from the real meaning of Christmas for me. I want to feel the love of my family so I have requested that if anyone wants to give me something this year that they make it. I don't care if it's a picture, a poem or a painting. What matters to me is that this gift took time and effort with me as an inspiration and is probably very budget friendly. SO...that's my motto for the month of December: Balance. Wish me luck.
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