I have this person who I have “friended” on Facebook. Before I get too deep into my bytch session, I am sure I am not the only one in the world that has had this issue but I am perplexed at why it even happens. I digress.
This person was, I thought, my friend. At the very least I would classify this person as a well-known acquaintance. It seems that we are friendly on Facebook but in “real life” I’m not even acknowledged. Here’s what’s going on. I found myself in a social situation the other day and this person was there. I didn’t run over and talk to this person as I was busy at first but then I realized that this person saw me and purposefully did not seem to want to talk to me. I was confused and yes, my feelings were hurt. I don’t think that I have done anything to offend this person so why did this person feel it necessary to treat me this way?
By the way, this is NOT the first time this has happened. This is actually the second. I let the first incident go because I thought it was just a fluke. Perhaps this person was having a bad day or perhaps they just were not in the mood to be social. Ok, but twice? Now I’m offended. I keep my Facebook friends and family to a minimum. I don’t have hundreds of friends on my Facebook I have less than 70 people and most of them are family. I do that so that I know that when I “friend” someone on my Facebook page, they are really friends. I have seemed to have made an error in judgment.
Now I face the question, should I un-friend this unfriendly person or should I approach them about how they are making me feel? Perhaps this person is unaware of how they are presenting themselves and how it is hurting my feelings? I hate to think that something is going on when there really isn’t something there. By the same token, I don’t want to have someone have access to my life who doesn’t care enough to bother to at least say “Hi” when we meet in person or find ourselves in the same social situation.
In the world of friendly posts and un-friendly faces, should I simply remove the offending individual from my Facebook life or let them know how they are making me feel and go from there?
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