I went to the new house yesterday to see all the updates and fixes that are supposedly being done. I found that I could not tell if anything had been done from the inside but the things that needed to be fixed on the outside of the house are still pending. So I went around to the back of the house to check on the the progress there. I found the back door ajar. This pissed me off! This is the third time I've gone to the house and it's open/unlocked. Of course, with me just days away from owning the house, I felt it was OK to go inside and make sure everything was in order.
The house is empty and has been going on five months. It echoes when I clear my throat because there is nothing to absorb the sound. It's eerily quiet and still. I checked room to room starting in the basement and working my way up to the master bedroom. Everything seemed OK. Nothing was damaged and some of the work promised had been done.
I got to the top of the stairs and felt a cold breeze kiss my exposed shoulder. I looked around. I was alone. "Hello?" I called out. I figured the cold breeze could have come from someone coming in the house like the real estate agent or handyman. There was no response or sound. I let it go. I stood there looking around the new house admiring what I am about to purchase. I really do love this house. Then I heard something...I'm not really sure what it was. I am not even sure how to describe it. Some writer I am, right? Don't answer that.
It was very low and quiet but audible. I strained my ears to hear it but I couldn't figure out where it came from. I walked into each upstairs room again, thinking it might be a blocked vent or something. I didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary. I was in, what will be my office, when from the corner of my eye I saw some figure move. I quickly turned to see who it was and even ran out of the room to catch them.
I was still alone in the empty house.
I have to admit that at this time, I got a little freaked out. I tried to keep my composure, like there was someone watching me, and faked being calm. I walked down stairs and squeaked out a "Hello?" in case the person in the house didn't hear me the first time. Again, no response and no sound. I made my way to the back door and locked it on the way out.
I walked around to the front of the house and looked at it one last time before I left. I am not sure if I was just imagining this or perhaps the sun was playing tricks on me but I could have sworn I saw something in the master bath window for just a brief moment. I literally rubbed my eyes and it was gone. So I have a question...did I just imagine this or is this following me?
For those of you who have read my previous blogs, yes you three know who you are, you know that this has happened to me before but in the current house that I am in. Am I just a magnet or a over stimulated writer? I would like to say that I knew the answer to that question. Since I was young I have always wanted to profess simply being an over stimulated writer but in all honesty, that has not always been the case.
Until next time...
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