Yesterday, on my way to school, I got stuck in traffic. You see a lot of strange stuff when you're stuck in traffic. I saw a guy pick his nose and eat what he got out...ewww. Sorry to say that I was a little thankful to see him do that because I am trying to lose some weight and he definitely stopped any food cravings I was having at the time. I saw someone that looked like they were having an argument on the phone but the strangest thing I saw was Jesus. Ok not the real Jesus, I don't think, but some guy that sure did look like all those religious paintings of Jesus. He was in a Land Rover behind me. As if that was not strange enough, His license plate started with 666. Cracked me I was pondering the title of my next blog, as Jesus in Satan's Land Rover, I saw the guy light up a fatty. Whooo really? Yes. So now I'm watching this guy that looks like Jesus in a Land Rover that Satan probably owns smoking a fatty. As if that wasn't enough (you can't make this shit up) he's listening to Season of the Witch on the radio! I had my sun roof open for some air and a hopeful contact high before class, and heard the music. I recognized the song from the movie Dark Shadows, which is one of my favorite movies.
Anyway, as I saw this mixed bag of nuts in cars next to me I wondered about the humanity. These are the people that my children are going to have to work with, drive next to and take care of in the future. I drove to class, thoughtful, disappointed about not getting a contact high and just looking forward to seeing some "normal" people.
As I drove into the parking lot at the school I saw another person pick their nose and eat the slimy wet stuff on their finger, gosh humans can be gross!
Until next time...
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