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Cops and Lesbians

Recently I went to a bar with some friends of mine to see a band called Hot Lunch...yes Hot Lunch. The band members are not all that great looking but the music is awesome! Now for those of you wondering where I came up with the title, I will tell you. When we got to the bar there were cop cars everywhere! What the hell? Crap started without me?! Just kidding...well about the crap anyway. It seems there are many cops that frequent this bar...during happy hour...on a Saturday night. When I asked one of the cops why they were there I was told he was just visiting a a table...of drunk-looking women. 


My friends and I made our way to the first booth closest to the band. Now I normally would not sit so close because I don't like my ears to bleed but it was the only place left to sit.

So let me set the scene for you. This is a bar, yes, but not full of kids. Everyone in the bar is about late 30's to late 60's. Yes, 60's. Mostly thin, leathery looking women with a cigarette between their long bony fingers. Most sound like they swallowed a frog. Anyway it's kinda well lit, meaning no dark shadowy corners. It's not that large but big enough to house about 40 people in tables about 20 people in booths and a dance floor with a stage. Not a bad place. I'd been there once before about a year earlier and had a great time then too. 

The music ranges anywhere (with the band) from the 70's chica bow wow music, like "Strokin' by Clarence Carter or "Lick it before you stick it" by Denise Lasalle  to "Suit and Tie" by Justin Timberlake. A pretty broad range of music.  Of course no bar would be complete without some sort of line dancing. I don't know, don't ask me why.  Well that's where the second part of the title comes in. 

You see I was there with A and J...the names have been changed to protect the crazy, and we are all married women. Let me just clarify, married to men. So as the band took a break, the bar played some music for the people that weren't ready to get off the dance floor. It was some line dance song. Well most of the people left the floor but some women stayed. So this one elderly looking woman was line dancing when she spotted J sitting at the edge of the booth. She walked straight over to J and without hesitation or warning stood nose to nose with her and smiled. 

Now, A was having a good time and had a few so she did not notice the "incident." I, on the other hand, was designated driver and very sober! First time for everything. J was so stunned that she didn't move or know what to do. The lady backed off and beckoned J to dance with her. Now J, also having a few drinks, shots, etc...wasn't so far gone that she didn't know left from lesbian. But this caught her off guard. The lady, realizing that J was not getting up went back to her line dancing. That's when J and I realized that...we were sitting around ladies who also liked the ladies.

Now don't get me wrong. I am NOT against gays and lesbians. Not at all. I have several friends that are gay but we were unaware that we were sitting in a particular area of the bar. This is not a gay bar. So during the course of the night J got hit on a few more times. A, being well lubed didn't seem to notice or care. I was sober but disappointed I didn't get hit on. Not that I am gay but it helps the self esteem to know someone other than your spouse finds you attractive, even it they are of the same sex.  We have yet to schedule another girls night out. Things that make you go hummmm....

Until next time...


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