Well, it's been sixteen days since my last post and well I can honestly say that I am totally disappointed. I thought that I would see some sort of growth but I haven't. What's worse is that my nails are so thin and weak that I had to actually cut some of my nails because they tore. Not because they grew. They were weak to begin with but at least they feel a little better. I mean I can now take a shower and the hot water doesn't hurt my fingernails. I am also a bit perplexed at the my second to the last finger. If you look close you can see the part of the nail that had solar on it and the amount of growth but my nail never got longer and this is not one of the one's that I had to trim. Things that make you go hummmm.
So here are my nails. I have been using the Nail-Aid Keratin for 16 days. It says 3 days growth but in three days I saw no growth. I have been receiving e-mails and comments suggesting that I use the O.P.I. Nail Strengthening but I refuse. Not because I have issue with O.P.I. but because it has formaldehyde and I don't want to use products with that in it. I mean come on, Angelina Jolie took out her ovaries to avoid getting Cancer, I can be okay with not using a product that has formaldehyde in it because it has been linked with Cancer. After all of this I wondered if my next step was to take Biotin.
So I ran out and got some.
I just started taking these yesterday so I can't really say that they do or do not work but I will keep you posted on that. If these don't work I have purchased a different product. Of course Nail-Aid says they need three months in order to see real growth. So that begs the question, what is "real growth" if it isn't any growth. I started this journey the first week of March and I'm already 20 plus days into my nail growth journey. In ten days it will be a full month.
I will be posting in 2 week increments. That way there might be something to actually report other than another failed attempt to grow my natural nails. Oh and yes, I have been keeping up with my homemade manicures and my coconut oil moisturizing. With all this effort, I have to see some progress soon, right?
*Sigh* Until next time...
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