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I'm Back!!! I need the therapy.

I apologize to my 5 readers that I have not been around to keep you entertained. My life has gone crazy in ways I was not prepared for. I am sure all of us out there can relate. My last blog was about my nails and though I have been keeping up with them, they have taken a back seat to my current issues. 

My son has undergone open heart surgery at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. He's had heart problems since he was born and we knew this day would eventually come but you are never truly prepared for the day it actually happens. My stress level has been extremely high and my hair, skin and nails have taken the brunt of my old habits. 

I haven't been moisturizing my face the way I should or have been, my hair has actually started thinning out in the front and I actually talked myself into getting a new set of fake nails. Yes you read that correctly. I have spent the last year of my life dedicated to getting off fake nails and getting rid of everything in my make up and hair product line to go as organic/natural as possible and I got a new full set of fake nails. 

I knew I was wrong as they were putting them on. I felt disgusted with my decision and internally cried as they filed away all my hard work and the crappy thing was that they cut down my nails to put fake ones on that were the same size. How stupid am I? I haven't been making the best decisions lately and am paying for it. 

Since he has gone through the surgery, I have finally gotten my bearings back. The new set of nails only lasted a week before I took them off. They felt heavy and bulky and fake. My nails took a beating and I have resumed my old nail regimen. I've been doing my homemade manicures and using my organic almond oils again. I've returned to my organic facial products and I've gone back to my organic hair line. Of course the damage to both my nails and hair are done and now I'm working behind the 8 ball. My nails are very short to get rid of the fake stuff and to start fresh and my hair has already thinned so I am trying to thicken it up. I have started trying different lines of hair products to try to reverse my issues. I am unsure if my hair loss is the result of stress, the use of bad hair products after using "clean" organic products or if it s hereditary. Of course, I don't talk to any of my family so I am sure if this is genetic.

I know that I can regrow my nails. I know that I can make them strong again. My thinning hair is another issue. Since this is a new problem I've never had before, I am unsure how to handle it. I have read a lot of blogs regarding the issue and found that the three reasons I've already mentioned are the most common.

I can try to handle my stress better but am unsure how successful I can be since my son's condition is still precarious. I can't do a lot about it if it's genetic. I looked at those hair transplant commercials but feel that it's a bit much for the amount of loss I've had. It's not tons but everyone knows their own hair and they can tell the difference. I used to fill out a pony tale like no ones business. Now, not so much. The last issue is easily remedied. Change products. Which I have done. So all there is now is to wait and see. I will keep you posted on my changes with my hair, skin and nails and will list my products so that you can try them out too.

Until next time....


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