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Showing posts from January, 2012

Night Feeding

So I have claimed to be disciplined at least Monday-Thursday and have now realized that I cannot watch T.V. while I am "attempting" to lose weight. I have been watching Being Human on SyFy and every freakin' five minutes there's some damn commercial about food. If its not five dollar footlongs from Subway, its 2 for $20 at Applebee's or some random candy commercial that makes my mouth water. What a hypocrisy we live in. America wants to be healthy but we kill ourselves with fast food. The worst part is that there are all of these commercials that have Jennifer Hudson singing and promoting Weight Watchers or Janet Jackson toting Nutrisystem (which both are not only awesome entertainers but gorgeous women) and then turn around and show a hot, steamy, out of the oven pizza from Pizza Hut. I know that I can't make a case against a fast food restaurant for making me fat but these fast food restaurants sure don't make it easy on my will power.  I will just hav...

A new book and sad passings

Along with all the crazy things that hit me, I have been writing my second book, Veneficus. I am surprised to find the words flowing from my fingertip to the keyboard. It took me years to write the first book and about a year...and a write this one. I am very happy with it. I struggled with the cover and feel that I now have exactly what I want. I have talked to many of my witchy friends and they have been a great inspiration for me. It is always good to have support in any manner. Usually the support I get comes from my hosiery. Ok that was just a joke. On another note, one of my oldest and dearest friend's mother passed away this Tuesday. I did not know her mom but a loss like that leaves a hole in one's heart and lingering reminder to all else that we are mortal. No one wakes up in the morning thinking about death, well no one normal anyway. It is sad part of life that we all will go through one day but don't like to acknowledge until it is brought to our at...

Wait Loss

No I didn't spell that wrong I mean wait loss. We all have to wait for something or someone. In my case I am waiting for myself. I am waiting for me to stop being so weak. I really want to lose weight but I am standing in my way. I have all the tools at my disposal, time to exercise, a supportive spouse, Isagenix and yet I have loss next to nothing. Of course I do know why. I am pretty self-disciplined Monday thru Thursday but the minute I wake up on Friday...I party like Prince's 1999.  I go out for Happy Hour with my husband, dinner with my girlfriends, parties with my kids, bowling with my family and all of that includes food. Not salads, low carb snacks and high protein items but junk food. Pizza, hot wings, drinks (at least I drink diet coke with my Crown), cake, nachos...the list goes on and on and I appearently have no will power. Come Sunday I slump in dieter's remorse and scold myself for not sticking to my guns....

Captive Audience

At the end of each month I like to see if anyone in the world is actually reading what I have to say or am I just using this blog as a method to get away from all the voices in my head. I was surprised. I happen to be big in Russia and Sweden. Yes, my dear friends in the US do read my blog too but the Swedish beat you this month. So I all my wonderful readers in Russia, I just wanted to say: Спасибо за то, что читать мой blog. Для информации обо мне, сумасшедшем авторе, посещают мой вебсайт в . For my Swedish friends: Tack för avläsning min blogg. För information om mig, de galna författaren, besöka min hemsida på Gee I hope I got that right : )  Keep reading I promise to stay crazy! Until next time...

Miss Communication

Ok there comes a time when you realize just how fragile communication between two people can really be. I will give you some examples. Yesterday my father and I went to Walmart. In the parking lot, as I was unbuckling my seatbelt, he turned to me and asked "What are we going in with?"  I was confused. I didn't know what he was talking about, I looked at him hoping to find some glimpse of what he was talking about in his face or his eyes. Nothing. After exhausting all hope for figuring out what the hell he was talking about I said "Our dignity?" My father's face just contorted and then he busted out laughing. We both laughed.  He looked at me like I was crazy...and well...I am. My second example of miscommunication was with my sister. She called me up today talking a hundred miles an hour about everything under the sun. You know those days when your thoughts are arranged correctly but your mouth just can't keep up with you. Well she was having one of tho...

...and the wheel turns

With Imbolc fast approaching I started looking at what I resolved to do and what I have actually done. I resolved to be more balanced...first in my budget. Which, if you are one of my rabid readers, you know I didn't accomplish. I didn't over spend but I spent more then I had intended. Then I turned my sights to myself. I resolved to be more balanced in my food intake and balanced in my exercise. Well, I have tried, not too terribly hard but I have tried. My first week I lost 4.4 pounds, my second week (which was last week) was a wash. I didn't lose any weight. Perhaps it was that cheesecake..humm...anyway, I am back on my horse and I will strive to be better this week. If I can lose the 2 plus pounds this week, I am only behind 2 pounds. I have calculated how much weight I need to lose per week (two pounds) which is 8 pounds per month in order to get to my goal weight of 140 by June. For those of you who do not need to take their bras off to get to do the math to ...

Hello. Would you like some germs?

Today I saw something that really grossed me out. I was in a public place, I will not say where, but I had to use the restroom....yes, for those of you who read my blog this is another restroom incident. It does make me wonder why most of the strangest things that happen to me happen in and around restrooms. But I digress. So I was in a public place and had to use the restroom. I went in and used it. It was clean and there was ample paper of both kinds. It was when I came out that I saw something completely gross. With the men's restroom across from the women's restroom, This very large man opened the door holding a! Yes you read me correctly. This man took food, hot food, fresh food into the restroom where people take a dump. Who does that? If this man took food into a public restroom....think of this...what did he do with his plate while he was using it? If he was peeing, yes lets visualize for a minute, did he hold the plate in one hand a...

Faked or Felt?

For the past two nights my son has spontaneously broken out in tears right at bedtime. At first I thought he was just a kid that didn't want to go to bed, but when I asked him what was wrong he said he missed me. I was puzzled. Missed me? Wasn't I right there? Hadn't I spent all day with him? I asked him what he meant by "I miss you." For those who don't know, my son is autistic and he can't express himself sometimes. So he just kept telling me over and over he missed me and begged me, pleaded with me to be home when he got home. He really confused me. At first I told him to just go to sleep and get some rest and that I would always be there. But after I went bed, this made me worry. I come from a "gifted" family and I wondered if what he was doing was real or fake. I let it go the first night. But then last night he did it again. My heart was heavy, worried, wondering if I should let this get to me or not.  I started thinking, what if he ...