I know I shut this blog down last year due to some "issues" I was having but I feel that I have let enough time pass and now I can get back to doing what I do best. B&C. For those who are not aware of what B&C stand for it's bytching and complaining. Currently I am laid up in bed with an awful sinus infection and maybe more, so I have decided to take this time to catch up on some writing. It seems every time I attempt to get up and walk I get dizzy but sitting down and watching Avengers while blogging I am ok.
At this point in time with it now being 2013, I have made some changes in my life and have decided to pursue an new avenue...real estate. Yes, you heard me correctly I am doing real estate. Well, not yet but soon. I will be taking classes in April and am so excited about it. In the meanwhile I continue to write. I will write anyway even after I start classes. I just needed some time. I actually finished a novel I have been working on since 1993, no not 2003, 1993! I had worked on it on and off over the years and even finished two poetry books before finishing it. Sad but true. I guess the story itself was hard for me to continue but after years of life, I finally did it.
On a different note, I did try to continue blogging on a different blog but it seems that my title was not catchy enough and was never quiet as popular as this one. No worries I will simply just continue this one. I have joined some new writer's groups and am looking forward to be re infused with vision and excitement for writing. It seems to come in waves like the ocean tides. I am a writer, an artist of words and we artist (you know who you are) need inspiration and sometimes that wains. I have my second wind and am ready to hit the word doc running.
I will say this...life has changed since I last blogged here and so I will bring you up to speed on what has been happening in my life. For the five readers I had before shutting this blog down my life without you was lonely. I did move and bought a new house. It seems though that my other worldly visitors followed me to my new abode. I have had some nightly visits as I have tried to sleep but not as bad as last time. Some were quick and nothing really, one was very scary and I am not sure it was just not my imagination since I had just saw the movie Insidious. Perhaps I will leave these stories for the next blog.
I have been told that I need to lose weight, shocker right? Haven't we all been told this once in our life? Well, unless you're one of those skinny chicks. This was by two different doctors. Anywho, I am trying to lose weight and get healthy. My gastroentologist has put me on a Paleo "Lifestyle". I have to say that it's not that different from my past endeavors to lose weight but I do miss the bread. The worst part is my father, who now lives with me, loves to make homemade bread. It fills the house with a wonderful aroma of buttery goodness that makes my mouth water but it is NOT on my list of things I can have to eat. I miss my Isagenix and will be going back on that as well. Isagenix really helped me with my ability to have self-control. Of course I do have some will power but not as much as when I am was on Isagenix. The only problem I do have with Isagenix is how darn expensive it is. Not very nice to my pocket book and I am still trying to recover from Christmas. As I am sure most people are.
It's funny to me how we spend all of our money for the holidays and then are expected to spend more on the most popular new years resolution there is, weight loss. Ok, enough B&C. I feel that I should ease my new audience slowly into my crazy world and rants. So without further delay, I will sign off of this blog.
Until next time...
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