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Valentine's Day, period! And other stuff.

Today I was still searching booking websites to see how much I could save on airfare and hotels when I got the worst thought ever! I grabbed my phone and started to count the days on the calendar...28. Now for you MEN out there, you don't know this but should, 28 days is the magic number for a woman's cycle (most of the time). Guess what, mine is the week of February 14th. Now I am not saying this to divulge personal information but to vent, hence the Bytch Blog, about my would-be wonderful, romantic holiday ruined by mother nature.
*Deep Sigh*

Why?! I can only hope that I am wrong in my dates. Of course that's not really the issue because, well, I'm always right about these things and I am like clock work. All I can say is this, wherever we end up better have a boat load of chocolates and aspirin. Staying on subject, I went to Walmart to do some shopping. They have everything for Valentine's day you could ever want but I have a question here. Why is it necessary to ingest 9 pounds of chocolate knowing it will turn into 15 pounds of fat? I am trying to lose weight and Valentine's day is hard on me. I love chocolate. I mean REALLY LOVE CHOCOLATE! But I avoid it like the plaque, at least three weeks out of the month. When did eating sweets become synonymous with love? I saw this documentary a long time ago that said that chocolate stimulates the same feelings as having a crush on someone. So I guess I just answered my own question. DUH!
On a lighter note (no pun intended) I have lost weight. I am reading Sexy Forever by Suzanne Somers and it's really not that bad. At first I thought, what would she know? She was Chrissy on Three's Company like a billion years ago but I was happy to be wrong. The book is well written and thought out plus it has a lot of good info for someone who is trying to change their lifestyle. Yes I said it; lifestyle. Too many times I have used the word DIET and got a negative reaction from myself. I have this mental block against it.
I get this strange craziness about me when I diet. I can go most of the day without thinking or even wanting something sweet (that's my weakness) but the minute I go on a diet everything that's 10% or more in sugar goes straight into my mouth. Why? Am I the only one who does that? Have I been trained to hate diets so much that I rail against it even when my body and self-preservation need to do it? Who knows. Maybe I should see a therapist. Hell, I need to do that for so many more other issues I have. *insert sarcastic laughing* But bytching on my blog is cheaper so...
Getting back on the Valentine's day subject, I was watching the Golden Girls episode where it was Valentine's day and Blanche got tons of roses. For those of you who don't know the Golden Girls, Google them. Anyway, I am conflicted with this particular episode. I like it until the end. SPOILER ALERT! The entire episode was only a dream. The jest of the story was that Blanche had a secret admirer. It turned out to be her late husband George. He faked his death to escape prison due to his business partner's shady deals. There's a lot more to the story but in the end she wakes up alone and missing George. He really was dead. I can't help but cry when I see this particular episode. I guess I can put myself in her shoes should something (knock on wood) happen to my hubby.
I have never really spent a Valentine's day without having someone special in it. Whether that person is my husband or a past love (before I married). As I get older, the prospect of one of us eventually spending one Valentine's day alone haunts me. I know that at the tender young age of thirty something I have a ways to go, but who's to say? I was reading the paper the other day and saw three obituaries with people younger than me in them. What a pity and as time goes on it's scary. The joy about life is the surprises that it brings but the greatest sadness is our inevitable demise. You never know. So I guess what I am saying in a morbid way is go out there and have a great Valentine's day regardless of who you're with or if you walk with mother nature at your side...enjoy.
Until next time... 


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