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Fox but no Friends

I don't usually allow my dander to get worked up over something I see on television but I have to say this was out of the ordinary. A friend of mine sent me a clip showing Fox weekend anchors Tucker Carlson, Ainsley Earhardt and Clayton Morris all talking without thinking. This was Fox news and it is widely known that this station's level of journalistic integrity is extremely low but this was bad even for them. It seems, without having any real news to report-because there is nothing really going on the world-the three amigos decided to cast their ill spoken views on the University of Missouri's new policies on Pagan holidays.

Clayton showed off his master of mishap sayings by mocking the fact that if you were to join a religion Paganism would be the best one due to the amount of holidays the religion celebrates. He went on to acknowledge that the Pagans that he has met are peaceful, earth-loving worshipers. Clayton should think twice before he speaks about religions he is unfamiliar with and do some more research like a real journalist. A Bachelors degree from University of Pittsburgh in History and Broadcast Journalism has clearly not helped him. Maybe he should have attended the University of Missouri instead. 

Then there is Ainsley Earhardt. At least she had the intelligence not to open her mouth too much in this ill thought out back and forth between dumb and dumber. 

Tammy Bruce on the other hand opened mouth and insert her foot. Where does Fox get these jokers? Does Fox even check their references and look up their G.P.A.? Before she did this segment, I was a big fan. Come on Tammy you are smarter than this. She's a graduate of the University of Southern California with a Bachelors in Political Science (cum laude). I expect more than this from someone so distinguished. It was ingenious how you tried not to make it sting too much while insulting the Pagan community but to say that Pagans are being used against the anti-traditionalist. This was just beneath your journalistic abilities.  Oh and to say that "the tradition in this country allows Wiccan and Pagans" is just junk opinion. It is NOT tradition that ALLOWS Wiccans and's the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. You know the one that states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for redress of grievances." 

Guess you're using the freedom of speech part, no matter how bad it comes out. 

Last but not least, Tucker Carlson...who is obviously the most ignorant of them all. It was painful to watch someone open their mouth and spew out such terrible dribble that it brought down the journalistic standards for ALL of Fox news. Apparently his little Bachelors degree in History from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut did not prepare him for the real world skills necessary to be a real journalist. Perhaps, he too, would have benefited from attending the University of Missouri instead. To sit on national television and expose his pointless, idiotic, lack of real knowledge of Pagans was ballsy to say the least. Tucker goes on record to state that the Wiccan's he's met are D&D players, twice divorced, middle aged women who like incense. Wow Tucker your stupidity is impressive. Oh and Wiccanism is not a word. Bigot is a word and yes Tucker Carlson, you are a bigot!

The mentioned institutions of learning might want to take a cue from the University of Missouri and re-think their own policies; and perhaps their pre-requisites for a Bachelors Degree in History and journalism.

To see what these genious' really said from their own ludicrous lips click on the link below. 


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