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Ebb, flow and witchcraft

As I write this post, it's raining outside. I have turned off all the lights and am working only by candlelight. It sets the mood. At least, the mood I've been in lately. I feel like my ebb and flow is peaking. In my youth, my ebb and flow where more like consistent waves nothing too turbulent or calm. Now that I'm in my 40's my ebbs are very deep and my flow is very forceful. It's funny that there are no calm consistencies in my life right now but at this age I have to act like I have stability and yield to conformity. I can't just fly off the handle and beat someone with my shoe because they act like a moron. No matter how much they richly deserve it. I'm an adult and as such am expected to act a certain way. On the other hand, my aggressive nature has increased and I must do everything I can to dowse the fire of passion I have for certain subjects, to enable me not to look like I'm crazy. 

It funny how life is and how I just really what to be me but that's not possible without looking like a nut. I have to "act" like a mom, when I wanna be a friend. I have to "act" like an adult, when I just want to go outside and swing on the swings and feel the butterflies in my stomach. I have to be "professional" when that is another way of saying boring. 

If I could make a living writing I would. Then this whole issue would be mute. Unfortunately, I haven't won the lottery yet and my books are not exactly flying off the shelves. That does make me wonder, every so often, if that makes me a bad writer or that I should hire a marketing firm to help. Not sure yet.

I am writing another book but this one is about witchcraft. I don't really want to give too much away but it's about a coven. I feel that vampires and werewolves have had their time in the spotlight and it's time for us witches to have our fair share of the fame. Perhaps this book will be my crowing achievement. Who knows? 

I will be dropping hints about my new book so you, my five readers, can get a small hint at the greatness yet to come! Well, I'm off to finish chapter three. 

Until next time....


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