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Everyday I'm Shufflin'

Ok I am sooo sorry for being MIA for a the past, however long it has been. I am sure I am not the first, last or only crazy writer. I have been writing till my fingers bleed and I have finally finished school. Yes, yours truly is now a real estate agent! Whoot for me!!!!! I have to give myself props because I am alone in my happiness. Literally, no one else is in the room except my cat and he could care less. 

Anywho, I have created a new meetup group ( check it out if you get time. Sorry guys, ladies only! Hence the name "Sisterhood". I know some of you out there are just crying in your beer because of the gender specific part of my new group but sorry.  Like I said I have been busy and it has taken all of me to keep my life from falling apart. I have been gluing my world together with a strange combination of Twinkie (yea their back) filling and wine, causing me to gain weight. What a shock, right?! Who would have thunk it? So now I have vowed to make up for my silly ways and not diet but eat better. Of course I'm not giving up the wine just the Twinkies. But I am now snacking on dried apple chips and adding a lot more veggies to the ol' belly. This should help. 

September is finally here and I am so looking forward to next month. I have tons of Halloween stuff I have been hoarding over the summer and plan to just let it all out on the first. Am I the only one who feels this way? Gee, I hope not. 

I have also been dreaming a lot. Rabbits, lizards and kittens (not all in the same dream) have stood out in various dreams along with the color green which means news from a distance. I found out what that news was last week when I was informed that my uncle passed away in California. He had been struggling with Alzheimer's and finally it took him. As proud Marine, he fought bravely and was rewarded with a one way ticket to heaven.

Well, this will be a short blog update but I guarantee to my five wonderful readers that I will be back and more often.  

Until next time...


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