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Showing posts from October, 2011

Mommy if you were a Zombie...

I was watching the 2nd season premier of The Walking Dead on AMC last Sunday when my daughter asked me the inevitable question, "Mommy if you were a zombie would you try to eat my brains?" Ahh...what better question than that on a chilly night in October? I reassured her that there were no such things as "real" zombies and told her that I would never try to eat her brains. Of course with all the new zombie movies I've been watching in honor of Halloween coming up I am not surprised at the question just at which kid it came from. My daughter of thirteen years asked me instead of my zombie-mesmerized son. He had watched every single scary movie I have put on. Now I don't really like the kids watching scary movies which is why I usually watch then late at night when 1. it's more scary in the dark and 2. the kids have been sent to their rooms to unwind and sleep. But I have caught my son watching these movies through the slats on the staircase on more than o...

Freaky Friday

For the last couple of nights we have heard our two year old black lab, Molly, whimper and moan and try to jump over the baby gates down stairs. We have had her since she was 3 months old and she has NEVER done this before. Now it seems like something is scaring her and she doesn't want to sleep down stairs alone. Last night she did the same thing. It took a little while but we put on the fireplace for her and soon she was fast asleep. When I finally got to sleep. I had an odd dream or nightmare. I dreamt that I was friends with this older guy and he and kids moved into a large and old home. The guy told me that his house was haunted but I didn't really believe him. I walked down a dark stairway to the main room that was lit up. On the last step I saw saw a guy that was rolling his neck, like he was  in pain but I didn't see his face because he it rolled in the opposite direction. I thought it was my friend's oldest son....

Alone in the house

Today has been a special day for me. It's my 10 year anniversary with my husband and we have been happy every day of that kidding. Strange I know, all couples have their issues but we have had more good then bad times and I am thrilled to say I am looking forward to the next 60 years with excitement and joy with this man. Ok, enough of the mushy stuff. Today has also come with some unexpected twists and turns, not related to my anniversary. As I worked at home, writing for my next book, the house was uncharacteristically quiet. There were no nephews in the house, they went back with their mom. My kids were at school and my father was out most of the day. I listened to the house move, groan and make odd noises. The dogs were all outside and so I was almost completely alone except for my faithful furry friend, LaFuzz the cat. Yes, the cat and I were the only constants in the house and the house was telling me all kinds of new and strange things. I heard creaks from the st...

Rainy days and Saturday's...

Yesterday we woke up to the weather being cold and raining. I LOVED it! It was time to turn on the fireplace and warm up my hot cider. My sister and nephews are here for the weekend and we had intentions to go to the pumpkin patch and have some good ol' fashion fun but the wet kept us from our plans and we had to come up with Plan B. We went to a costume store in Westminster that looked like a castle. It was huge and yet it was incredibly crowded. It seems that everyone had the same idea as we did regarding Halloween and rain. As you walked into the store they have an impressive display of gory (plastic) dead bodies and zombies. Surprisingly enough none of the kids were afraid of these monsters. I wasn't sure if it was because they understood they weren't real or if I have been watching too many horror movies in front of them and they were all now desensitized. We made our way to the back of the store where all of the costumes were. That was also where all of the crowed wa...

Dying to get into a Grand Opening!

I had a list of 15 things to today and got only 2 of them accomplished. My new refrigerator I purchased over a week ago is too big so I've had my contractor knock down a wall to make it fit. Of course a normal, sane individual would have just bought a smaller appliance, I am happy to say I am not a normal or sane individual. This does tie into the title...just indulge me a bit here. So I had to paint the space that was created for the fridge and make it look like the rest of the kitchen. After going to Lowe's and getting what I thought was the right color, I quickly realized that I was very wrong and that I needed to go back to the hardware store and try again. This time I went to Home Depot. On the way to Home Depot I saw a very odd sight. Right in the middle of a cemetery was a huge sign that said "Grand Opening." Well of course I love going to Grand Openings and this one was no different. Well maybe it was a little different. I mean I didn't have any problems...

Wild and crazy weekend...NOT!

My sister called me late on Friday night due to some "issues" with her current roommate.  At 9pm on a Friday night when all I wanted to do is take a hot shower and relax with a book, I was packing up myself and my kids to go to the Springs. Luckily my husband was also in the Springs working. I drove for an hour and a half nodding in and out of a sleepy haze and finally made my way to the hotel. Dragging my two kids out of their slumber into the hotel room I put my head on a pillow around eleven at night and passed into a deep sleep. I wanted to sleep in late but my internal alarm clock saw fit to make sure I was bright eyed and bushy tailed by six a.m. WTF! When I was younger I used to wake at the crack of noon now I'm up before the cock crows. I hate getting older...sorry sorta went off on a tangent. Anywhoo, I enjoyed a nice breakfast with my husband as the kids stayed upstairs sleeping. He went to work and I went back into the hotel room to wake up Prince Alarming and...