I was watching the 2nd season premier of The Walking Dead on AMC last Sunday when my daughter asked me the inevitable question, "Mommy if you were a zombie would you try to eat my brains?" Ahh...what better question than that on a chilly night in October? I reassured her that there were no such things as "real" zombies and told her that I would never try to eat her brains. Of course with all the new zombie movies I've been watching in honor of Halloween coming up I am not surprised at the question just at which kid it came from. My daughter of thirteen years asked me instead of my zombie-mesmerized son. He had watched every single scary movie I have put on. Now I don't really like the kids watching scary movies which is why I usually watch then late at night when 1. it's more scary in the dark and 2. the kids have been sent to their rooms to unwind and sleep. But I have caught my son watching these movies through the slats on the staircase on more than one occasion.
I have resolved to watch my horror flicks in my room on my computer away from the kids. But I can't help but wonder if this, too, is harmful. The world is not a perfect place and they will see these things inevitably. They see all kinds of scary commercials for these movies. So the question beckons. Should I or should I not shelter my kids from these movies? On one hand, I would rather they see them with me so that I can explain that these movies are only fake and that zombies are not real. On the other hand does it really cause some sort of mental scaring seeing all of these ugly movies? I used to watch them as a child and I didn't turn into some mass murderer. I feel that I am "normal" well as much as one can be I guess. So guess I will continue to watch them on my own and be there for my kids when they see them (behind my back or couch). Zombie or not I am still concerned with their brains.
Until next time...
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