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Wild and crazy weekend...NOT!

My sister called me late on Friday night due to some "issues" with her current roommate.  At 9pm on a Friday night when all I wanted to do is take a hot shower and relax with a book, I was packing up myself and my kids to go to the Springs. Luckily my husband was also in the Springs working. I drove for an hour and a half nodding in and out of a sleepy haze and finally made my way to the hotel. Dragging my two kids out of their slumber into the hotel room I put my head on a pillow around eleven at night and passed into a deep sleep. I wanted to sleep in late but my internal alarm clock saw fit to make sure I was bright eyed and bushy tailed by six a.m. WTF! When I was younger I used to wake at the crack of noon now I'm up before the cock crows. I hate getting older...sorry sorta went off on a tangent.

Anywhoo, I enjoyed a nice breakfast with my husband as the kids stayed upstairs sleeping. He went to work and I went back into the hotel room to wake up Prince Alarming and Princess Pain. After they got ready I took them for breakfast at Ihop since the hotel had stopped serving breakfast right after they woke up.

I called my sister and found all was quiet in Crazyland. Are you serious?!? I drove an hour and half late at night on a Friday to be told that my mediation skills were no longer required. My daughter missed a football game for this? Well there I was trying to figure out what the hell to do all day long while my husband was at work. I figured that this would not be an entire loss and that I could spend some time with him. I only had to get through a 9 hour day of him working.

Hummm what to do? Well we started simple. We went to Garden of the Gods for a nice hike. My son took this time to vent some issues he had and through a fit every five minutes of the hike. Crying and whining about everything, we made our way on the trails and parking lots until I couldn't take it anymore and we left. As we buckled up in the van, my son has the nerve to ask me why we were leaving. Due to the stringent child protection laws, I couldn't choke the hell out of him.

I figured he was just hungry so I took the kids to eat. We waited in a drive-thru line for 20 minutes at a Taco Bell only to be told by someone that they were short handed and it would be another 30 minutes before I even got my order in. I promptly left and crossed the street to Wendy's. As we ate, I searched for more fun and exciting ways to amuse my kids for another 5 hours! At Wendy's they had a bunch of brochures of touristy things to do. Seven Falls was the first thing I saw. I haven't been there in years and thought it would be great to go.

After I paid my $30 to get into Seven Falls my daughter takes this time to tell me that she doesn't want to climb the 280 steps to get to the top of the falls because she's afraid the stairs might be rusted and she will plummet to her death. Are you serious? Could this day get any better? We rode up the elevator to the top of a plateau and took a total of 3 pictures. Then made our way down the stairs (because this won't kill us like the climb up) to the bottom. After an exhausting ten minutes of pleading with my daughter to try to take the stairs because Mommy just paid $30 for ten minutes of fun and we should do more, we left Seven Falls.

We made our way to the Zoo (this day only got better) only to be told that they closed at 5pm and it was 3. I didn't know what else to do and was running out of ideas. So I paid my $40 for my lousy two hours and carted the kids into the wild kingdom. Admittedly, we had a lot of fun almost seeing all of the animals. We got some wonderful pictures of the bears playing ball and trying to break the glass to eat all of us on lookers and monkeys having sex. Yes you read that right, they were doing the wild thing right in front of my kids. With me pushing my kids down the path away from the monkey madness, my son asks me what they were doing. Luckily enough the sound of carnival music floated over to us and his first question was replaced with a curiosity of where the music was coming from. Thank goodness there was a merry go round. After a while we made our way to the exit at the urging of the zoo employees and back to the car where my son promptly asked what we were doing next. 

could bearly keep my eyes open. I had to get up and leave by 7am to get to a meeting where I lived.

Needless to say when the Sunday was finally over I was grateful. I look forward to next weekend and hope that it turns out better then this past weekend.

Until next time...


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