I had a list of 15 things to today and got only 2 of them accomplished. My new refrigerator I purchased over a week ago is too big so I've had my contractor knock down a wall to make it fit. Of course a normal, sane individual would have just bought a smaller appliance, I am happy to say I am not a normal or sane individual. This does tie into the title...just indulge me a bit here.
So I had to paint the space that was created for the fridge and make it look like the rest of the kitchen. After going to Lowe's and getting what I thought was the right color, I quickly realized that I was very wrong and that I needed to go back to the hardware store and try again. This time I went to Home Depot. On the way to Home Depot I saw a very odd sight. Right in the middle of a cemetery was a huge sign that said "Grand Opening." Well of course I love going to Grand Openings and this one was no different. Well maybe it was a little different. I mean I didn't have any problems finding a parking spot and the items on sale were all on display.
Ok I feel a little like Elvira Mistress of the Dark here talking about the Grand Opening like this. It was too funny. Why would you put a Grand Opening sign in the middle of a cemetery? Of course if you really think about it, how else would you get the word out that you have space available for new tenants?
I did take a picture but technology is not my friend and my phone and computer have decided not to continue their relationship at the moment leaving me with wonderful pics on my phone and none on my computer.
I wondered, as I drove around the lot starring at dead people's voices in stone, what my own burial would look like. I would have to have a pink coffin, of course. I don't want to be cremated. I know it's cheaper but so just leaving me in the middle of the woods for animals to pick at my dead carcass. I want something that people, who ever cares really, can go to and know that my remains are there. That I really existed and that I really walked the earth for X amount of years. My grandchildren can visit and say "this is the final resting place of my bloodline."
I have picked out a nice little spot in Boulder where the lot butts up against the side of a mountain and has spectacular views. Not for me of course but my visitors. I just hope that whoever runs the cemetery at that time doesn't feel it necessary to post a Grand Opening sign over my grave, and if they do, I hope its a good sale.
Until next time...
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