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Freaky Friday

For the last couple of nights we have heard our two year old black lab, Molly, whimper and moan and try to jump over the baby gates down stairs. We have had her since she was 3 months old and she has NEVER done this before. Now it seems like something is scaring her and she doesn't want to sleep down stairs alone. Last night she did the same thing. It took a little while but we put on the fireplace for her and soon she was fast asleep.

When I finally got to sleep. I had an odd dream or nightmare. I dreamt that I was friends with this older guy and he and kids moved into a large and old home. The guy told me that his house was haunted but I didn't really believe him. I walked down a dark stairway to the main room that was lit up. On the last step I saw saw a guy that was rolling his neck, like he was  in pain but I didn't see his face because he it rolled in the opposite direction. I thought it was my friend's oldest son. When I got to the main living room everyone that lived in the house was there including the older son I thought I saw on the stairs. I asked the older boy how he got to the living room so fast and he said that he had been there the entire time. The older guy looked at me trying to get me to acknowledge that the house was haunted. I felt scared and uneasy that I had just seen a spirit and that it looked so real (not see through or ghost like) that I thought it was a real person. How powerful does a spirit have to be to materialize? The next thing I remember was that I was in his two daughter's room. They were showing me their room and why they felt uncomfortable. I started feeling uneasy too and then I woke up.

I woke up feeling strange and cold. I was alone. My husband had left extra early for work and before I even knew he was gone. The light was gray from outside casting shadows of things I knew where not there. But with my dream still fresh in my mind, the dark corners of the room played tricks on my eyes and my emotions. I felt it was time to get up and face my demons. I got up and did the only natural thing to do. I called my sister and woke her up at 7am. : )

I started telling her my dream and got to the part where I was in the living room with the family. All of sudden my phone gave off this loud screeching alarm. It hurt my ears. I hung up the phone and tried to call my sister back. This part was straight out of an old 70's horror movie. Are you, the reader, old enough to remember the rotary phones? Remember the clicks and sounds it would make when you didn't get a good connection? I got that on my 2011 Droid Smart wireless phone! Yes! I got the old clicks and static noise. Freaky!!! Then my sister called me back. Her face was on the phone identifying who was called but when I answered the phone picture turned to the silhouette of a person without a face. It was strange to say the least. When I answered there was no one there. I hung up only to have her call me back and do it all over again. Finally I decided to just turn off the phone and reboot the stupid system.

I got to talk to my sister and finish my dream and nothing else has happened since but the beginning of the day was strange. As Halloween approaches it seems that more and more odd and wicked encounters with "the other" world seem becoming the norm. The veil is thinning.

Until next time...


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