The other day I had a dream where I was high up in the mountains and close to the treelines. I woke up feeling like I needed to get out and get into the mountains. I don't know what possesed me to but I looked up the highest city in Colorado and came up with Leadville. At 10,200 ft above sea level I felt that I could do no better. So I packed up the family and we took the three hour trip into the mountains. It was AWESOME! The air was crisp and clean and the day was beautiful. When we got there I found out that they were having a festival. It was Boom Days in Leadville. How fun, we had no idea. I did look up Leadville but on Wikipedia not their office website. Of course, had I looked it up on their website I would have known about the festivites. There were streets blocked off and lots of tents full of neat things. There were bath salts, jewelery, hat, purses, games, toys, signs and of course lots and lots of food.
Having said that, some of the food they were selling wasn't exactly what I was lining up to purchase. I, personally have never had Monkey Balls and am not even sure what they are but they just don't sound tasty to me. So I opted for a lamb Gyros and some Baklavia. It was good. My husband and the kids got Brats,which they said were a little dry. We talked around the town looking at all the stuff for sale and I bought a beautiful shaw. No sorry no pic of it. It was 61 degrees up in Leadville that day but with us being the high up in the mountains, I can honestly say it felt more like in the 80's and the sun was very hot. I felt it on my skin more than I usually do. I guess that's you know you're that high up.
Of course walking in high altitude does make you tired. So we decided that there was no better way to wake up for a long trip back, than a strong cup of coffee. We stopped in a the City on the Hill coffee shop. As we walked in the door, the aroma of coffee kissed my nose. It was small shop but nice. I got myself a nice iced coffee they call a Toddy. Now, I have never had an iced Toddy only a hot Toddy. I am not sure why they called it a Toddy because it was only an iced coffee, don't get me wrong it was good, but it was only coffee. We, well my husband, sipped his hot coffee in the hot sun and made our way back to the car, I actually begin to sweat. As I passed the sign that confirmed it was only in the sixties I begin to laugh to myself. Sixties my ass. We piled in the car and headed back down the mountain towards home. I thought about how a dream actually led me to a place I had never been or heard of. I did have fun though and wondered what my dream ment. Did I really dream of being in the mountains so that I could go into the mountains and have fun with the family?
On the way home I admired the beauty of the mountains. My husband and I wanted to move to Estes Park but after seeing Leadville, it certainly in the running. It is a little smaller and out of the way but I think that's why I liked it.
It might be awhile before I am able to post again but rest assured, now that I know how to add pictures, I will. Keep on the look out for my updates and in the meanwhile, enjoy the week.
Until next time...
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