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Showing posts from March, 2013

Fire alarms and fish

Don't you just hate it when your smoke alarm battery is running low and you get that annoying chirping sound? Try that crap at 2:45 in the freakin' morning! Aaahhhh!!! That happened the other day. So I asked my wonderful hubby to change the battery. I had moved to the sofa that night cause I could not take the noise. My sofa is big and fluffy and hurts like hell to sleep on. Oh and I'm a tosser when I sleep. Try that on a sofa. Hello floor.  So, the next night I went to bed excited to get some sleep in own bedroom. Then 2:30am CHIRP! WTF! Now, I love my hubby but I yanked him out a deep sleep to ask if he did indeed change the battery. He told me that he ran out of time to do it and forgot. Dammit. There I went again with my pillows and a blanket to the sofa. Another awful night of sleep. He did change the battery the next day since I nagged him until he couldn't take it anymore. Finally I was able to get some sleep in my own bed and stopped being so grouchy. Every...

Toys R Me

Friday my hubby and I got up early, took the kids to school and went for a Venti Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. It was awesome. Usually I don't get to spend alone time with him until the weekend and even then the kids are home. We decided to go to ToysRUs to get some fun stuff for our son's Easter basket. Unfortunately, they opened at 9:30 and it was only nine. Now right about now you're probably thinking Why the hell do I care about this? Just indulge me for a minute I do have a point, of sorts. So as we were waiting in the car for ToysRUs to open, we saw many, many cars pull up and also wait for this store to open. My hubby and I were totally surprised that there were that many people waiting at 9:30 in the morning to buy toys. As the manager opened the door, letting the small crowd that had formed in to the store,  we noticed seven yes seven (7) cars zoom into the parking lot and park. I was in shock. Was there a sale that was going on that I didn't know about? H...

Hurry up, wait and get hormonal

Here lately I feel like I am marking time. Standing still just waiting for my life to hurry up and start. I know that is the worst way to view my situation but it's what I feel. I start my real estate classes in the middle of next month and until that time I am just waiting. I know that I should be using my time wisely and getting all the stuff done that I need to do before I get too busy and that's why I have been exercising. I am, again, trying to lose weight and get healthy after my bout of flu. I have been working out and trying to get more movement into my day but I am having a problem with my sweet tooth. It seems that every time I eat "clean" (organic) I end up having this terrible sweet tooth. Then when I indulge in sweets, I get sick. I feel strange. My eyes feel like there is air being blown in them and I feel a definite mood change. What the hell? I feel sometimes like I am falling apart. I am looking forward to May when I see a doctor that specializes in ...

Coughing, sneezing and fevers...oh my!

Hello my five readers I have missed you. I have been violently ill with the flu for the past two weeks and was obviously unable to write down my deepest thoughts for you to enjoy. After these two weeks I have come to the terrible realization that I have never had the flu before. I thought I had but these past two weeks have made any sickness I have had in the past look like a simple 24 hour bug. Of course I am the only one in the family that did not get a flu shot. Yes, you read that right. I had heard that this year's flu was a mean strain and so I bullied my whole family into getting one. I even got my son to get his flu shot and was there to catch him as he fainted dead away on the floor. I felt bad about that, of course, but I felt some since of relief knowing I did what was best for him. As most mother's know, it's hard to find time for yourself and that's where I fell through the cracks. I meant to get my shot but as usual I put myself low on the priority list an...