Hello my five readers I have missed you. I have been violently ill with the flu for the past two weeks and was obviously unable to write down my deepest thoughts for you to enjoy. After these two weeks I have come to the terrible realization that I have never had the flu before. I thought I had but these past two weeks have made any sickness I have had in the past look like a simple 24 hour bug. Of course I am the only one in the family that did not get a flu shot. Yes, you read that right. I had heard that this year's flu was a mean strain and so I bullied my whole family into getting one. I even got my son to get his flu shot and was there to catch him as he fainted dead away on the floor. I felt bad about that, of course, but I felt some since of relief knowing I did what was best for him. As most mother's know, it's hard to find time for yourself and that's where I fell through the cracks. I meant to get my shot but as usual I put myself low on the priority list and well, paid the price.
This illness didn't start out with such a bang just a bit of a headache and some fatigue but after of week of what I though was a sinus infection I got the full hit of the flu. For days I slept hour after hour only waking to use the restroom and maybe eat something. I have never felt so weak and exhausted before. It took the entire second week for me to finally start feeling better. As I laid in bed, on those many days, I thought I could keep myself occupied with a little light reading but every time I picked up a book I would pass out. Gee, that sounds like me in college, but I digress...anyway this illness didn't even allow me to read. I have four books by my bed as I write and I have only cracked open one. The first one is Sexy Forever by Suzanne Somers. This should be of no surprise to my five readers as I think I have actually mentioned me reading this book a few blogs ago. The second is The Plot Whisperer by Martha Alderson. I was told that this is a wonderful book to read to polish up on my writing. The third book is The best of Ogden Nash by (duh) Ogden Nash. I have yet to pull the pages back and drown myself in his good humor. Well, that's not entirely true. I did read a few pages and found his brand of poetry delightful. A lady at one of my writing groups told me that my poetry was less like Dr. Suess and more like Mr. Nash. I am not sure how I feel about that comment yet as I have not read Mr. Nash's book in its entirety. The final book is Helping yourself with E.S.P. by Al G. Manning. I have obviously not read this book or I would have seen me getting sick.
Now you're probably thinking was a strange mixture of subjects I have chosen to read, and you are right. I am moody by nature and my interests are vast spanding from the silly to the serious and everything in between. I have a very hard time picking up a book and reading it in it's completion without bouncing over to another book. I have only read one book from start to finish without putting it down and that was Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman. Stunning book! The movie, although I like it, did not do the book justice. Of course you hear that over and over again about books that have been made into movies.
Well, my Sexy Forever fetish is due to my impending 40th birthday which scares me. I have had a lot of changes within myself and this particular book had touched on almost all of my concerns. That was both a comfort and a worry. Here I am now knowing what is wrong with me and saddened by it. Why must we get old? I mean, I understand why we have to die ( I guess) but why not just have a time where we "turn in our key" have a party and say good-bye. Why all the drama of getting old, having hormone issues and wrinkles? What a horrible trick to play on someone who, their whole life has been healthy and active, to suddenly get hit by a little thing called a hormone. Well, I won't stand on that soap box right now...I'll save that one for another time.
My second book The Plot Whisperer, is an attempt to be a better writer...like that can happen. Just kidding. I know I need to polish my writing style, heck that's why I have this blog. I figure the more I write the better I'll get. I must be doing something right, I haven't had any complaints yet. That's not invitation to start either...
Mr. Nash's book is another writing tool for me. I like to read other poet's work and see how they work. I know this sounds shallow but abstract poetry and poetry that does not rhyme is hard for me to enjoy. I see award winning poets become nationally recognized for stuff like..."the world's vail of gray mist dampened only her hair not her spirit and the tree's leaves fell at her feet like angel's feathers from the sky." What the hell is that?! By the way...I wrote that it was not someone else's work I was making fun of. I'm more a "Violets are red, a rose has a thorn, drive your car right or you'll hear my car's horn." kinda girl.
The last book is pretty self explanatory. I am looking for the winning lottery numbers. LOL!!! Oh, I'm not texting. Is it ok to use LOL in a blog? Oh well, I've rambled on long enough. I am sure that you five readers need to be eased back into my crazy life and not thrown in the deep part of the pool.
So until next time...
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