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As I was flipping though my June 2011 copy of Natural Health, I came across an advertisement for Isagenix. Isagenix is a "nutritional cleansing" product that has a side effect of weight loss. I have cleansed in the past and have usually purchased the kit from Walmart or Walgreen's for $25 bucks or so. Now I have always felt better after cleansing my system but weight loss was never a significant side effect. True, Ron White does have something when he asks in one of his shows "Have you ever taken a crap so big your pants fit better?" I hate to admit that when I feel full of myself that I am always happy to puck out $25 from my wallet and buy a cleansing kit.

I have been struggling with my weight since I was in high school and have tried everything from Aerobics to Zumba to get fit along with every trendy diet; so when I heard of a cleansing product with a weight loss side effect I was very interested. I looked it up on the Internet and found on YouTube two videos on the product. One was Fox 31 news that talked about the cleansing aspect of the product and Channel 4 that actually had two people go through the program. After seeing the videos I talked it over with my husband and convinced him to try out the product together.

I didn't realize how expensive the product was. For two 9 day cleansing kits it cost us $345! We purchased the product on Saturday and got the package today. I am excited to start. I am not sure what I expect to happen. I know, from experience, that I cannot drink a few whey shakes and expect to magically lose the forty or so pounds I am hoping to get rid of but I am thinking this will offer the kick start to my "new" weight loss/healthy lifestyle.

I will keep everyone posed on what happens, hopefully daily. I am not sure, with this being Thursday and all, that we will start this program tomorrow but I will keep you updated. From the look of the "views" on the website, my blog has some followers and I hope not to disappoint the few people that bother to read this.

Stay tuned for more......


  1. Good luck! If you like the products, Isagenix has wholesale prices available to save money:

    Also, I just started a support forum, so if you have any questions, check it out: Not much there yet, but you can always ask questions.

    Again, good luck!


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