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The shadow in the doorway

First off, I apologize for not writing sooner. I have received e-mails wondering if I fell off the face of the earth. No. I have not. But I have been very busy and losing a lot of sleep. I will give a quick update and then explain my blog title.

A couple of blogs back I said that my sister and two nephews were visiting me. They are still here. One is a year old and the other two years old. Three adults in the house seems hardly enough with these two. I have been running around like a chicken without a head and end up passing out around 9 pm every night. My kids are back in school and I have been going to back to school nights, doing homework and going to my various school organizations that I am a member of. In my spare time, I still have laundry, shopping, taking the dog to the dog park, exercising, and everything else under the sun. The only good thing is that I am back on Isagenix and it does wonders for my schedule since I don't really have time to eat.

So there's my excuse. On to the good stuff.

I just mentioned that I wasn't getting a lot of sleep. It seems that with all the life that's in my house, I also have afterlife here too. I have been blogging about my "ghost" friend who likes to take the sheets off of me and scare the crap out of me by touching my arm. Well this has been stepped up a notch and I am not too sure what to do about it, if anything.

The night before last, after putting all the kids to sleep, I sat in my bed and tried to read this book I borrowed from the library. It's called Dead Sexy by Tate Hallaway. I was only on page one when I actually fell asleep. PAGE ONE! I was exhausted. My husband must have turned off the lights and tucked me in because the next thing I remember was waking up in my pitch black room. The cat had jumped on the bed and startled me awake. Milo, the cat, had snuggled between my husband and myself under the sheets. He usually sleeps on the foot of the bed. I was too groggy to think that his behavior was odd. I laid back down and got comfortable. I felt a slight cool breeze and figured the A/C had kicked on. I pulled the blanket over me and went back to sleep.

I couldn't tell you how much later it was that I was re-awoken but it was Milo that did it again. He was digging himself further under the sheets and caught my leg with this claw. After the initital cursing and kicking. I got comfortable again and tried to go back to sleep. I don't know why I didn't but I was there in bed with my eyes open. I felt heavy and tired. I wanted to go back to sleep but something kept me awake. I looked around the room and saw nothing. I felt nothing. I looked at my watch and it was 3:27am. I rolled my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

That's when I heard it.

It was the faint sound of breathing. Of course, not wanting to over react, I turned to my husband to hear him breathing. His was very light and rhythmic. This was only one or two breaths and it sounded jagged and uneven. I sat up and looked around. It was cold again but I also had the A/C on. I felt the chill settle on my shoulders and was just about the lay down when I saw something move from the corner of my eye. It was at the doorway of my room. Frightened, I got up and went to the door way. Now that may not have been the smartest thing to do but I have always felt that taking things head on is the best way and when I am afraid I charge straight forward to get it done and over with. I am not sure that is the approach I should have taken in this instance. I found myself alone in the hallway looking around for something. I don't know what I expected to find or who but I stood there in the dim light of the night lights and listened.

I heard nothing.

I wanted to think that it was just me and that it was nothing but given the last couple of encounters, I knew it was something. I checked the kids, went downstairs checked the windows and doors and went back upstairs. I stood in the hallway one last time to see if I could see or hear anything.

I did.

I heard the breathing. It was not my husband. It was not my kids. It was not me. As I slowly looked around, I tried making my way back to my room when I saw a shadow in the doorway. My room was dark in comparison to the hallway because of the night lights and at first I thought it was my husband checking on me. It wasn't him. I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to yell out to my husband to wake him up but I didn't want to wake the whole house. I wanted to run down stairs but then thought "What would that accomplish?" 

I hesitated going into my room for a bit. I stood in hallway thinking about what happened. I wondered if it was still in my room. I was scared. But I picked up my big girl panties and walked slowly into my room. I stood at the foot of the bed and looked around. No shadow. With my heart racing and with adrenaline pumping through my veins I jumped into bed and yes, like a little girl put the sheets over my head and hugged my husband.

I thought about every single scary movie I had ever watched. I thought about every scary book I had ever read. I watched and read these things for entertainment value and to GET SCARED. Now I really was scared. I wondered why I was the only one that is witnessing these encounters. Was it because it wanted to scare me? Was it because I was the only one awake at 4 am? Who knows. I never went back to sleep that night.

If this continues I will have someone come over and help me but I am waiting. Not sure what I am waiting for. Perhaps I am hoping this will go away as quickly as it came. Perhaps if I ask someone for help I have to admit it's real. Whatever the answer is, I will keep you posted on my very scary encounters.

Until next time...


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