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Showing posts from 2013

How Men React To Labor Pain

Girls Don't Poop -

I know now what I will be getting for that last minute stocking stuffer. I saw this and thought HOLY CRAP I NEED THAT! I have for years been telling people that my poo doesn't stink and this little gem is going to help me prove that! Until next time...fdsklafjkdl;fjaksl

Peter O'Toole

RIP Mr. O'Toole.  I loved his work not to mention that he was an all time hottie back in the day. As he got older his wonderful acting ability came through. Although it was not an award wining movie, one of my favorite movies was High Spirits where he co starred with Daryl Hannah and Steve Guttenberg. I also liked the movie Creator where he co-starred with Mariel Hemingway, Vincent Spano and Virginia Madsen. Peter was capable of so many ranges of acting and the world will miss his talent. Until next time...

AJ Garcia's voice audition for Express PA

This is my cousin. Wish him well in his audition!

Afternoon Delight

I don't usually watch SNL but I am a HUGE Paul Rudd fan. I love this SNL skit. I would love me some 9 direction. Click on the pic to see the fun.

Pee and Puke

Recently I have gotten a new cat. I got him back in October. My sister had her gallbladder removed and I helped her recover. While I was at her duplex I saw a beautiful black and white (what looked like) kitten. The nights are now getting really cold and the temperature average is about 30 and below. On the third day, the cat came to my sister's door and meowed. My heart melted and I picked up the cat. He purred and I fell in love. Shortly after, I had my sister make inquiries around the complex to ensure that the cat didn't already belong to anyone. It seems that everyone knew this cat but no one owned him. With winter on the way, my heart went out to him and I took him home.  I took him to the vet, got him all his shots and gave him a good home. Now, I already have a cat. Milo on the Downlo, is his name. The new cat was for my daughter who has been bugging me to get her her own kitty. After a month, it seemed like the cats were getting along and that all was well in the ...

Hooker! Are you a hooker?!

Today something happened that reminded me of the 1981 movie Arthur.  There is a scene where he's in a fancy restaurant with a lady of the night that he picked up earlier. They start talking and then he yells out "You're a hooker? Jesus, I forgot! I thought I was doing GREAT with you!" Well today I got called a hooker. Oh not like in the movie but I was mistaken for a prostitute. I will explain. I went on a meetup group meeting downtown that was being held in an expensive hotel. I have never been to this hotel before, nor have I gone to one of these meetup group meetings. Now this is a PROFESSIONAL meetup group. And I don't mean THAT profession either. It was a women's entrepreneurial meeting. I wore a business suit. A BUSINESS SUIT!!!!! Now I don't have tons of money but I don't exactly dress in rags either.  I walked in, looking admittedly lost, when some smuck walks up to me and asks me if I was "looking for someone." Well of...

Being a real estate agent is like....

...a sixteen year old, sexually frustrated boy. Let me explain. As my five readers know, I have decided to get into real estate.  I've been doing this for about 3 whole months. Now I know that I have unrealistic expectations for myself. For example, I feel that I should have already closed my 56 deals and made my first million dollars. Has that happened? No. What I have learned is that this whole thing has been a humbling process of hard work and mega amounts of rejections.  As I was going through my many moods of success and failure, I spoke to my mentor and expressed...mostly in frustration and anger. She smiled, told me to take a deep breath and explained to me that most people don't have their first closing for 8 months or so. I was shocked and appalled. 8 months!!!! It's a good thing that I'm not the only one in the family working.  What she said next lead me to my conclusion. She said that the feeling I would get at my first closing would ...

Go to Goodreads to enter to win a Free copy of my book Veneficus!

Goodreads Book Giveaway Veneficus by Jennipher Dallas Giveaway ends October 31, 2013. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win

Cops and Lesbians

Recently I went to a bar with some friends of mine to see a band called Hot Lunch...yes Hot Lunch. The band members are not all that great looking but the music is awesome! Now for those of you wondering where I came up with the title, I will tell you. When we got to the bar there were cop cars everywhere! What the hell? Crap started without me?! Just kidding...well about the crap anyway. It seems there are many cops that frequent this bar...during happy hour...on a Saturday night. When I asked one of the cops why they were there I was told he was just visiting a a table...of drunk-looking women.  Okay.  My friends and I made our way to the first booth closest to the band. Now I normally would not sit so close because I don't like my ears to bleed but it was the only place left to sit. So let me set the scene for you. This is a bar, yes, but not full of kids. Everyone in the bar is about late 30's to late 60's. Yes, 60's. Mostly thin, leathery l...

Ebb, flow and witchcraft

As I write this post, it's raining outside. I have turned off all the lights and am working only by candlelight. It sets the mood. At least, the mood I've been in lately. I feel like my ebb and flow is peaking. In my youth, my ebb and flow where more like consistent waves nothing too turbulent or calm. Now that I'm in my 40's my ebbs are very deep and my flow is very forceful. It's funny that there are no calm consistencies in my life right now but at this age I have to act like I have stability and yield to conformity. I can't just fly off the handle and beat someone with my shoe because they act like a moron. No matter how much they richly deserve it. I'm an adult and as such am expected to act a certain way. On the other hand, my aggressive nature has increased and I must do everything I can to dowse the fire of passion I have for certain subjects, to enable me not to look like I'm crazy.  It funny how life is and how I just really what to be me ...

Everyday I'm Shufflin'

Ok I am sooo sorry for being MIA for a the past, however long it has been. I am sure I am not the first, last or only crazy writer. I have been writing till my fingers bleed and I have finally finished school. Yes, yours truly is now a real estate agent! Whoot for me!!!!! I have to give myself props because I am alone in my happiness. Literally, no one else is in the room except my cat and he could care less.  Anywho, I have created a new meetup group ( check it out if you get time. Sorry guys, ladies only! Hence the name "Sisterhood". I know some of you out there are just crying in your beer because of the gender specific part of my new group but sorry.  Like I said I have been busy and it has taken all of me to keep my life from falling apart. I have been gluing my world together with a strange combination of Twinkie (yea their back) filling and wine, causing me to gain weight. What a shock, right?! Who would have thun...

To Gluten or not to Gluten...that is the question.

I recently saw the documentary, Loving Lampposts. It was about Autism a subject dear and near to my heart since my own son is autistic. In this documentary it shows parents looking at autism in different ways. Some view it as a disease that can be cured, some view it as simply part of the person and should be dealt with as such and others are just searching to the answer why? As for myself, I don't think that vaccinations caused my son's autism. I don't think its a disease that needs to be cured. I see as part of what makes my son special. I love him. I love him with or without autism but I will say that with it...makes him much more interesting. He talks to himself all the time, I don't think he has an inter monologue. He has sensory perception issues with materials in his clothing and has an adverse response to loud noises and crowds. I can't get him to eat anything other than 5-6 types of foods and he likes to spin around on swing.  One thing that I did get ...

Death by Internet

It was just a matter of time until the Internet dulls our senses. I have just lost a "friend" due to this unfortunate issue. It seems that without the ability to hear infections in our voice or see facial features, mere words can mean so many different things in a chat room. As a writer I strive to get my point across when telling stories and poems but when I am not in the zone, the chat room can be a real land mine.  I have heard many of my friends tell me that they had their feelings hurt by someone they were talking to and that it was all a mistake when they got to talk to them in "real life". So what does that tell me? It tells me that technology has both helped and hindered our way of communication. As humans we rely on our senses to tell us what we need to know. Our sense of smell, our sight, sound, taste, hearing...but with the Internet you only get a couple of these and the other senses are paused, set to the wayside to wait.  The Internet only uses...

High Jesus

Yesterday, on my way to school,  I got stuck in traffic. You see a lot of strange stuff when you're stuck in traffic. I saw a guy pick his nose and eat what he got out...ewww.  Sorry to say that I was a little thankful to see him do that because I am trying to lose some weight and he definitely stopped any food cravings I was having at the time.  I saw someone that looked like they were having an argument on the phone but the strangest thing I saw was Jesus. Ok not the real Jesus, I don't think, but some guy that sure did look like all those religious paintings of Jesus. He was in a Land Rover behind me. As if that was not strange enough, His license plate started with 666. Cracked me I was pondering the title of my next blog, as Jesus in Satan's Land Rover, I saw the guy light up a fatty. Whooo really? Yes. So now I'm watching this guy that looks like Jesus in a Land Rover that Satan probably owns smoking a fatty. As if that wasn't enough (you can't ma...


First of all I want to apologize to my five readers for being absent but life is crazy.  I have been taking my real estate classes and have been busy studying. It has taken up my whole life but with this Memorial Day weekend I have a little more time. Today I spent the day with my son on his last day of school; and like most last day of school activities there were a lot of parents. Some were there to be supportive in the silly activities that were set up (like myself), other were parents there purely to get as many pictures as possible to make the best scrapbook and others, still, were there to just talk to other parents.   As we moved from activity to activity I would catch bits and pieces of the conversation at hand. None of it was very interesting but something did catch my ears...the moms started talking about what they do and don't let their children (this is third grade) watch on television and movies. The debate of PG vs. PG-13 started, well I wouldn't really call...

Death's waiting room

Thursday I had an appointment with a doctor that I had never seen before. It all started boring enough...walk in, fill out paperwork, give them the insurance card and then sit down and wait to be called. Seems simple enough. Thursday happened to be a particular beautiful day. The sun was shinning and the weather was perfect, not to hot and not to cold. As I sat in the waiting room, playing cards on my phone, I realized a small buzzing sound coming from the yellow fluorescent light in the lamp beside me. I wondered why all of the blinds where shut down tight when the day was so wonderful and surely the sunlight was a lot better then these artificial lamps. That's when my light bulb turned on. I looked around and realized that I was in Death's waiting room. Yes. I was about 30 to 40 years younger than everyone in the office, staff included. Now I have been struggling with turning 40 years old and have begun to panic a little realizing that I am now middle aged. How the hell did ...

Fire alarms and fish

Don't you just hate it when your smoke alarm battery is running low and you get that annoying chirping sound? Try that crap at 2:45 in the freakin' morning! Aaahhhh!!! That happened the other day. So I asked my wonderful hubby to change the battery. I had moved to the sofa that night cause I could not take the noise. My sofa is big and fluffy and hurts like hell to sleep on. Oh and I'm a tosser when I sleep. Try that on a sofa. Hello floor.  So, the next night I went to bed excited to get some sleep in own bedroom. Then 2:30am CHIRP! WTF! Now, I love my hubby but I yanked him out a deep sleep to ask if he did indeed change the battery. He told me that he ran out of time to do it and forgot. Dammit. There I went again with my pillows and a blanket to the sofa. Another awful night of sleep. He did change the battery the next day since I nagged him until he couldn't take it anymore. Finally I was able to get some sleep in my own bed and stopped being so grouchy. Every...

Toys R Me

Friday my hubby and I got up early, took the kids to school and went for a Venti Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks. It was awesome. Usually I don't get to spend alone time with him until the weekend and even then the kids are home. We decided to go to ToysRUs to get some fun stuff for our son's Easter basket. Unfortunately, they opened at 9:30 and it was only nine. Now right about now you're probably thinking Why the hell do I care about this? Just indulge me for a minute I do have a point, of sorts. So as we were waiting in the car for ToysRUs to open, we saw many, many cars pull up and also wait for this store to open. My hubby and I were totally surprised that there were that many people waiting at 9:30 in the morning to buy toys. As the manager opened the door, letting the small crowd that had formed in to the store,  we noticed seven yes seven (7) cars zoom into the parking lot and park. I was in shock. Was there a sale that was going on that I didn't know about? H...

Hurry up, wait and get hormonal

Here lately I feel like I am marking time. Standing still just waiting for my life to hurry up and start. I know that is the worst way to view my situation but it's what I feel. I start my real estate classes in the middle of next month and until that time I am just waiting. I know that I should be using my time wisely and getting all the stuff done that I need to do before I get too busy and that's why I have been exercising. I am, again, trying to lose weight and get healthy after my bout of flu. I have been working out and trying to get more movement into my day but I am having a problem with my sweet tooth. It seems that every time I eat "clean" (organic) I end up having this terrible sweet tooth. Then when I indulge in sweets, I get sick. I feel strange. My eyes feel like there is air being blown in them and I feel a definite mood change. What the hell? I feel sometimes like I am falling apart. I am looking forward to May when I see a doctor that specializes in ...

Coughing, sneezing and fevers...oh my!

Hello my five readers I have missed you. I have been violently ill with the flu for the past two weeks and was obviously unable to write down my deepest thoughts for you to enjoy. After these two weeks I have come to the terrible realization that I have never had the flu before. I thought I had but these past two weeks have made any sickness I have had in the past look like a simple 24 hour bug. Of course I am the only one in the family that did not get a flu shot. Yes, you read that right. I had heard that this year's flu was a mean strain and so I bullied my whole family into getting one. I even got my son to get his flu shot and was there to catch him as he fainted dead away on the floor. I felt bad about that, of course, but I felt some since of relief knowing I did what was best for him. As most mother's know, it's hard to find time for yourself and that's where I fell through the cracks. I meant to get my shot but as usual I put myself low on the priority list an...

The sick and the sickos **WARNING GRAPHIC**

This past week has been crazy for many reasons. Monday started out good but ended with some very unexpected twists. First the weekend snow, we got 10 inches, kinda had us locked inside. The garage doors were frozen shut and we could not open them. Luckily my hubby's car was outside and we were able to go places we needed to go. Even with all the snow, the kids did not get a snow day. That was OK with me. Hubby worked from home and I was thrilled to have some alone time with him even if he was working.  We picked up our son after school and remembered that he had a play date with two of his friends. We changed and took them to the rec center to play. Since there were three boys to watch my hubby and I decided to tag team the exercising. I let him go first. As I sat in the play room watching the boys play, the youngest of our team decided that he was not interested in playtime. So he kept me company watching Micky on my phone. All seemed to be going well until loud crying filled...

Fox but no Friends

I don't usually allow my dander to get worked up over something I see on television but I have to say this was out of the ordinary. A friend of mine sent me a clip showing Fox weekend anchors Tucker Carlson, Ainsley Earhardt and Clayton Morris all talking without thinking. This was Fox news and it is widely known that this station's level of journalistic integrity is extremely low but this was bad even for them. It seems, without having any real news to report-because there is nothing really going on the world-the three amigos decided to cast their ill spoken views on the University of Missouri's new policies on Pagan holidays. Clayton showed off his master of mishap sayings by mocking the fact that if you were to join a religion Paganism would be the best one due to the amount of holidays the religion celebrates. He went on to acknowledge that the Pagans that he has met are peaceful, earth-loving worshipers. Clayton should think twice before he speaks about religions...

Love and Death. A Valentine's Day journal entry

Before I start this blog I have to say Happy Valentine's day to everyone out there. It is a very special day to many women I know (myself included) and I hope that everyone out there got what they I know that there are many holidays in the year and that there are many special days to different people but for me Valentine's day is the holiday I hold dearest to my heart. Yes, even more than Halloween or my birthday...scary. Today I had a wonderful and thoughtful day. First, I woke to the wonderful smell of coffee. When I went down stairs I saw the enormous "Happy Valentine's Day" balloon and pink roses my husband bought me. I love pink roses they are my favorite.  He also got me a huge box of chocolates in a beautiful red heart container. Yum. We got the kids ready and sent them off to school to spend the rest of the day together. We made our way to the local IHOP (International House of Pancakes) for some breakfast. Now as my five readers know I...

The view on the way out

I was joy riding today, wanting to get out of the house and just relax, when I drove by a place that really made me think. These days it takes a lot to do that. I drove by an elderly care facility (aka an old folks home). Now that, in itself, is not the unusual part or the part that made me pause. What really made me was the location of the facility. It was right across the street from a cemetery.   Yes, A cemetery!   How crazy wrong is that?! I would absolutely hate to be in an old folks home with a view of the cemetery. I wouldn't be able to help feeling that I was in the holding cell for the last place I will end up. What would I be waiting for, an opening? Why would they do that? What person really wants to think about their death much less see a reminder of it on a daily basis simply because we have reached a certain age. I can only hope that these poor people are half blind and don't know that it is there.   Usually I love cemeteries. I like t...

Wow what does this say about me?

As my five readers know, I prefer to handle any ailments I have holistically. So, here is another example of me doing so. I have been feeling restless along with other random emotions and felt that what I needed was to make myself feel better. Now before your mind goes into the gutter, it was not that kind of "feel good" I was looking for. I have been listening to more upbeat music and reading upbeat articles but those are just fillers. As everyone knows the bulk of our emotional gathering is through television. So here recently I realized what I have chosen to watch and make myself feel better is quite odd.   I have been watching a lot of Golden Girls and Supernatural. Now if I were Frasier Crane (another show I have been watching a lot of) I would attempt to self-analyze to see where my emotional deficit was and why it was there in the first place. First, the Golden Girls. I watch the show because I love it, I like the humor, the dynamics of the characters and because ...

Back in the saddle again.

Recently I went to a writers meeting of an organization that I used to be very active in. I was thrilled to see all the writers and the organizer Lori, again. The more we talked, the more my creative juices flowed. I missed writing more than I realized. No, my blog doesn't count. At least, I don't think it does. I have finished my book, The Great Chase, and am now on the hunt for a good editor. I am hoping to find one soon to get started on the revisions.   I have now started on my other book, Sleepless Nights, a collection of scary and strange stories. I am hoping to have that done by the end of this year and get it edited and revised by next year. Of course, as most writers know, writing is not a very lucrative business unless you are "discovered" and make it big, like Stephen King or Anne Rice. So I will have some life changes this year. I am looking forward to starting my real estate classes. That's right I said real estate classes. I am looki...


For a while now I have been having problems sleeping. I've tried sleeping pills, which I hate taking, yoga, warm milk, sleepytime teas and everything else under the sun. Now I'm using sleep hypnosis. Normally I would love this type of self-therapy but my paranoid side has kicked in and my over active imagination has me thinking crazy thoughts.   I started to think about what the hypnosis was offering. This particular CD that I bought works with binaural beat technology. What the back of the jacket says is "A scientific digital modulation process inserts precise pules, beats and modulations that the brain hears." Hello! Am I the only person in the room that thinks that perhaps messing with your brain is bad idea?   Let me say that I usually support drug less ways to deal with my issues. If I have a cold, I try to use foods and garlic to cure myself. I feel that staying way from the pharmaceuticals as much as possible can only help the body. So when I heard of...

What's that noise?

The other day I decided to light a candle. I do that when I'm feeling blue or am troubled about something. I like to meditate around the flame. Anyway, I left the candle on while I slept because I enjoy candle light. But a strange thing happened. I placed the candle in this corner armoire I have in my room. There's nothing in it because I am in the process of refurbishing it. Anyway, I put the candle on one of the selves and the flame started going crazy like there was a wind in the room. I thought nothing of it at first and since it was rather late at night I decided to get some shut eye.   Not more than five minutes of me laying in bed I saw the flame of the candle almost go out. I was taken back by the darkness. I sat up in bed and looked at the candle. The flame was still dancing around like it was fighting to stay lit in a hurricane. I looked up and the ceiling fan was not on. The vents were closed so there was no air current going in that direction. I was stunned. ...

Valentine's Day, period! And other stuff.

Today I was still searching booking websites to see how much I could save on airfare and hotels when I got the worst thought ever! I grabbed my phone and started to count the days on the calendar...28. Now for you MEN out there, you don't know this but should, 28 days is the magic number for a woman's cycle (most of the time). Guess what, mine is the week of February 14th. Now I am not saying this to divulge personal information but to vent, hence the Bytch Blog, about my would-be wonderful, romantic holiday ruined by mother nature.   *Deep Sigh* Why?! I can only hope that I am wrong in my dates. Of course that's not really the issue because, well, I'm always right about these things and I am like clock work. All I can say is this, wherever we end up better have a boat load of chocolates and aspirin. Staying on subject, I went to Walmart to do some shopping. They have everything for Valentine's day you could ever want but I have a question here. Why is it ne...